Category: Activism

M. NourbeSe Phillip

Letters to the Future: Future / M NourbeSe Philip

The Declension of History in the Key of If, and Extensions of Time and Place, by M. NourbeSe Philip Here, M. NourbeSe Phillip’s considers the archives’ use as a prism through

Postcards to the Future: Future / Adrienne Kennedy

Adrienne Kennedy In her supple and sincere commitment to words and their worlds, Adrienne Kennedy asserts the profundity of the first impression of words as meaningful onto the child’s mind.  –

The Range of Possibilities offered by the Dream World by Lillian Bertram

Postcards to the Future: Future / Lillian Yvonne Bertram

The Dream World is a place she can reach through her own body  by Lillian Yvonne Bertram “In this section Lillian-Yvonne Bertram engages the slippages between poetics, literary criticism and

Ruth Ellen Kocher

Postcards to the Future: Future / Ruth Ellen Kocher

Skit: MLK Jr. and Lieutenant Uhura Have Coffee and Cake, by Ruth Ellen Kocher “In this speculative excerpt, Kocher conflates the foreboding assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. with the hope

Future with Quote by Erica Hunt

Postcards to the Future: Future / Introduction

“A future where everyone has dignity. Imagine that.”—Erica Hunt At the cusp of the light at the end of the tunnel, what is that just ahead? Is it a healthier, more