A monthly interview series that highlights the writing and literary activism of women writers who are transgressive and transformative.
Category: Kore Biters

An Interview with Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
Dressed in Sibilant Stentences & Rhymes 1. What was your last bite? A cup of chai, a buttery croissant with scrambled eggs. I am happy. 2. Tell us how …

An Interview with Airea D Matthews
Candor is My Default Position 1. What was your last bite? I’m sure it was in February after I allowed someone else’s temper to get the better of me. …

An Interview with Minal Hajratwala
Skin. Muscle. Bone. Minal Hajratwala’s latest poetry collection, Bountiful Instructions for Englightenment, published by The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective, a collective for which she is a co-founder, randomly opens to “Worship at …

An Interview with Rachel McKibbens
Mammoth & Moxie: On Activism & Empathy Change is in the air. Perhaps the change we sought back in 2008. The kind of change that requires things not going …

An Interview with Metta Sáma
Mettasphere Welcome to the Mettasphere! There is still oxygen to breathe, the weather is to your comfort, some days, and you need to tune your ear to a major …