Allison Campbell

Allison Campbell, Kore Press Author

Allison Campbell (she/her/hers) is a writer and teacher currently living in Southern Mississippi where she is a PhD candidate at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers and associate editor of the Mississippi Review. Her poems have appeared in such places as e Cincinnati Review, Switchback, Witness, Rattle, Court Green, Harpur Palate, A rmchair/Shotgun, VERSE online,The Pinch and big bell. She has guest blogged for The Best American Poetry website and served as a special portfolio guest editor for Story magazine. Her collaborations with illustrator Alf Dahlman have appeared in Tammy, Drunken Boat, Story, and Palooka.

Titles available from Kore Press

Encyclopédie of the Common & Encompassing by Allison Campbell

Posted by Tina