“Here is a consummate poet, at the height of her interrogation of language, philosophy, and philology. Barbara Cully is a poet’s poet. She works passionately, without ambition, fanfare, or guile.” — Jane Miller
Limited edition of 500 copies.
creating more just & radically connected communities with literature
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“Here is a consummate poet, at the height of her interrogation of language, philosophy, and philology. Barbara Cully is a poet’s poet. She works passionately, without ambition, fanfare, or guile.” — Jane Miller
Limited edition of 500 copies.
Barbara Cully (she/her/hers) is the author of Desire Reclining (Penguin, 2003), The New Intimacy (Penguin, 1997), which won the National Poetry Series Open Competition, and Shoreline Series (Kore Press, 1997). She has received fellowships from the Arizona Commission on the Arts and has been Writer-in-Residence for the YMCA Writer’s Voice. She has taught at the Prague Summer Writers’ Program and currently teaches in the Department of English at the University of Arizona.